ARTICLE I Preamble:
The Charleston South Carolina Area Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) Intergroup, hereinafter
called the Intergroup, shall serve all SAA groups in the Charleston area that are registered or
planning to register with the International Service Organization (ISO) in Houston and are
participating in the Intergroup. The purposes of the Intergroup are:
1. To support addicts in the Charleston area in their recovery from sexual addiction
2. To refer any contacts from the SAA phone line or email to current SAA members
3. To provide shared and coordinated resources to individual SAA members and SAA
groups in the Charleston area
4. To provide outreach to the addict who still suffers
5. To support the ISO of Sex Addicts Anonymous in Houston, Texas
6. To support the establishment of new group in the Charleston area
These purposes are achieved through the efforts of volunteers among the Charleston SAA
membership and through voluntary monetary and in-kind contributions of SAA members and
Twelve Traditions:
All policies, practices, and authorities of the Intergroup are guided by the principles of the
Twelve Traditions of SAA that are published in the “Green Book” (Sex Addicts Anonymous).
ARTICLE II - Name and Location:
1. Herein the Charleston, South Carolina Area SAA Intergroup is interchangeably called
simply “The Intergroup”.
2. There is currently no fixed office from which the Intergroup operates, nor does it have a
mailing address.
3. The Intergroup’s recovery telephone number is 843-608-1722
4. The Intergroup’s website is
ARTICLE III - Scope and Action:
The Intergroup provides coordination of resources among the Charleston SAA groups in the
following ways:
1. By holding regular Intergroup meetings at least every other month and keeping minutes
of those meetings
2. By making the minutes of these meetings available to all groups
3. By maintaining a phone line to receive calls to help suffering sex addicts
4. By maintaining a website and answering SAA email inquiries
5. By providing outreach support for the Charleston area groups
6. By maintaining a stock of SAA literature and sobriety chips for sale to local SAA groups
7. By distributing a current list of Charleston area meeting dates and locations
8. By passing along donations to the ISO
The Intergroup may also offer financial support for other SAA activities, such as:
reimbursement of expenses incurred by official representatives of the Charleston Area SAA;
providing support and scholarships to Charleston area representatives to attend the annual
SAA International convention; and providing support and scholarships to local SAA members
to attend SAA conferences and retreats held in the Charleston area.
ARTICLE IV - Voting Membership:
Although Intergroup meetings are open to all members of the Charleston SAA fellowship,
voting in the Intergroup is limited to the elected Group Service Representative (GSRs), or their
alternate, of each of the affiliated groups, as well as the current Steering Committee members
(defined in ARTICLE VIII). A GSR is the member elected by each group to present its ‘group
conscience’ consensus at Intergroup meetings.
ARTICLE V - Quorum
A quorum shall consist of a simple majority (half+1) of voting members of the Intergroup. If a
quorum is not met, no action items requiring a vote may be taken.
ARTICLE VI - Service Positions:
The following Intergroup service positions shall be filled by a simple majority vote of the GSRs
of the participating SAA groups, from among the experienced members of the SAA fellowship:
○ Chair
○ Vice-Chair
○ Secretary/Historian
○ Treasurer
Any member elected to one of these service positions who is not also a GSR becomes, by
virtue of her/his election to the Board, an at-large voting member of the Intergroup. However,
each member shall have the right to only one vote per matter. Elections will be held annually
during the August Intergroup meeting, taking effect at the following September Intergroup
meeting. Each elected service position representative shall serve a one year term.
Except that, beginning in the year 2020 the Treasure’s term shall be for two years. It is
recommended that each service position representative should have at least one year in the
SAA Program, be committed and involved in the Charleston SAA fellowship, have a sponsor,
be actively working the Steps, and have a solid foundation in her/his program of recovery.
It is also recommended, but not required, that the Chair and Vice-Chair have at least one year of
continuous sobriety from their inner circle behaviors.
Responsibilities of service positions include:
1. Chair:
Leading the meeting for the Charleston SAA Intergroup; calling special meetings, either of
the Steering Committee or of the Intergroup, when he/she deems circumstances warrant it;
creating an agenda for each of the upcoming monthly meetings and distributing the same
at least one week in advance; providing guidance based on the Twelve Traditions and
Twelve Concepts of Service AA; coordinating efforts at monitoring outreach (voice mail,
website, etc.).
2. Vice-Chair:
Functioning as chair in case of the absence/incapacity of the elected chair; assisting in
monitoring outreach; compiling, reproducing and distributing a comprehensive Intergroup
phone list, as well as regularly updated meeting lists and email lists.
3. Secretary/Historian:
Recording the minutes of each Intergroup meeting; preparing and distributing readable
copies of these minutes to group representatives at least one week in advance of the next
month’s meeting; maintaining a familiarity with the bylaws of the Charleston SAA Intergroup
and providing a copy to all Intergroup members; maintaining a working familiarity with
parliamentary procedures; keeping an exhaustive archive of past Intergroup meeting
minutes and being familiar with their content; ruling on any question regarding the
Intergroup bylaws, parliamentary procedures, or votes taken during previous meetings.
4. Treasurer:
Collecting donations to the Intergroup from local Charleston groups and making timely
deposits; keeping records of income and expenditures; making quarterly financial reports to
the Intergroup and distributing them to representatives attending the monthly meeting;
balancing the checkbook; sending a periodic check to ISO based on donations from local
SAA groups; writing checks for monthly expenses; allotting reimbursements for other
expenses approved by the Intergroup; participating in periodical audits.
ARTICLE VII – Meetings:
The Intergroup shall meet, as scheduled by the Board, at least every other month.
Any SAA member interested in the business of SAA may attend these meetings. If a matter is
put to the group for a vote, these visitors may participate in the discussions, but will not be
allowed to vote.
Special meetings may be called by the Chair, after consulting with the Steering Committee, by
giving ample notice by telephone/email to the membership. In order to take action, a meeting
requires that at least two GSR or their alternates of the affiliated groups be present. Ideally, the
goal is to make decisions by consensus of the Intergroup; a simple majority, however, will carry
any question put to a vote. The conduct of meetings shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of
ARTICLE VIII – Committees:
Committees are directly responsible to the Intergroup membership and are in the trust and
service of the Charleston area SAA Fellowship as a whole.
1. Steering Committee
The steering committee is a standing committee composed of the Chair, Vice-chair,
Treasurer and Secretary. The Steering Committee is entrusted with overseeing and guiding
the ongoing development and direction of SAA groups in the Charleston region through the
actions of the Intergroup.
2. Intergroup Committee
The Intergroup Committee is comprised of the Steering Committee members and the
designated Group Service Representatives (GSR) of each SAA Fellowship in the Charleston
area. It is suggested that each registered meeting have an elected GSR that participates in
Intergroup matters.
ARTICLE IX - Standing Committees:
The following Standing Committees shall be organized by the Intergroup:
1. Events
2. GSR Support and Development
3. Literature and Chips
4. Phone
5. Website
6. Newsletter (quarterly?)
7. Outreach
a) Descriptions: Standing Committees will develop a written Mission Statement
that defines their purpose and scope of action, subject to approval by the
b) Election: The Intergroup will elect the Chairs of each Standing Committee by a
majority of the members of the Intergroup present at the meeting where the
elections take place.
c) Terms of office: The terms of the Standing Committee Chairs shall coincide with
the terms of the other Intergroup Officers.
d) Committee members: The Standing Committee Chairs may select volunteer
members of their committees from members of the Charleston SAA groups.
e) Communication: The Chairs, or their designated appointees, will present a
report of their committees’ activities at each Intergroup meeting, and
communicate as needed between meetings with other members of the SAA
groups at large to advance their work.
ARTICLE X - Ad Hoc Committees
Ad hoc committees may be organized by the Intergroup as needed (e.g., Convention or Retreat
ARTICLE XI - Finances:
The Intergroup shall be fully self-supporting by its own activities and contributions from
participating SAA Fellowships or individual SAA members. Outside contributions.
The Treasurer will be responsible for overseeing and coordinating the finances of the Intergroup
and for passing on any donations to ISO, in accordance with the directives of the Intergroup.
Monies shall be kept in an insured financial institution’s checking and/or savings account. The
Chair and the Treasurer and/or such persons as the steering committee shall approve by
resolution shall be authorized to sign checks/withdrawals from these accounts.
ARTICLE XII - Professional Services
The Intergroup may hire special workers and may set up a service center and contract for
services as needed.
ARTICLE XIII - Amending These Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote at a regular Intergroup meeting after the
amendment has been read and discussed at the preceding regular meeting. Each participating
GSR shall provide feedback to the Intergroup Committee upon review and discussion with
members of the region’s Fellowships.Type your paragraph here.
Charleston Area SAA Intergroup Bylaws
Board Approved June 4, 2018
Amended August 2019
Type your paragraph here.